Saturday 14 June 2014


What comes to your mind when you see or hear this word? ‘RAPE’?
I’m sure no one is proud of it. And if somebody is, get them to speak in front of a crowd and announce that they raped someone. I bet they can’t. And to an extreme extent if they can they are psychos.
Let me tell you the definition of RAPE- A forceful and a sexual act attempted on a person (child, teenagers, woman/man, elderly) without their consent.
It is not just one country. It is every country. People are afraid to leave their children alone with someone, not only them- their wives, their parents!
Can you believe that rape attempts generally are attempted on people in the age group of 3 – 90?
And somewhere it might be true.
You know there was an incident on December 2012 at a city, where a girl was brutally raped.  And she succumbed to her injuries. Died basically.
Not that, rapes happen where people get mad, and there was news once, that they basically just stretched her legs so much that her vagina got stretched excessively and dumped her body.
Another one, for fun some people put cigarettes in a girl’s vagina. Burning ones. Can you believe it? Out of the ones reading it, might be funny to you, but with those who are victims to it, think about them.

They would be embarrassed for a year or for a lifetime. They might not be able to trust anybody else again. Or they might never be able to leave their own house by themselves. They would get flashbacks of that day or time.
To those who do it, what do you think of yourself? You’re great if you do this brutal crime? What about your mother and sister, if she went through this phase? You might be agitated, angry, in a fun mood, But don’t let them harm others. It is what you are going through, why make the other person suffer?

You probably will be the boldest/best person in your group. But in reality, you have done a heinous crime!

People need to grow up.
Some of them need to leave that thought in which Man rules the world or Man is greater/better than a woman. Because, everyone/everybody is equal.
You have to be PROUD of yourself ,when you do good deeds. You have to make your country PROUD.

Be Proud. Make Proud. Rise Proud. Raise proud.

This video is of a rape victim, who got the COURAGE to speak. Salute!

Please Share & Comment. :)

Monday 9 June 2014


This topic is social issue and some people may support it while some people may not. I'll give you the two sides to it. Those who support it and those who do not. With 'Why'!

Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender.

 Why People Oppose It?

1. They think that its not a true bonding/marriage.


2. It violates their natural law, like only man and woman are meant to be together.

3. It denies a child from a father or a mother.
4. It doesn't create a family but naturally sterile union.

5. It imposes its acceptance all over the society.
6. It offends GOD.
Source: (
7. Not all gay people support gay marriages.

8. Civil patnerships are there so is change just about terminology? 
There are some who argue that the difference between marriage and civil partnerships is primarily a semantic one. "We've got marriage, it's called a civil partnership and I rejoice in the fact that people like me who are different from straight people can do something they can't. I relish that," Pierce said last year.

Why People Support It?

1.Discrimination frays the human spirit.
2.Making committed human connections is good for physical and mental health.
3.Forming families, traditional or not, is good for the soul.
4. Marriage is a basic human right and an individual personal choice and the State should not interfere with same-gender couples who choose to marry.
5. Homosexuality is a normal variant of adult sexuality; gay men and lesbians possess the same potential and desire for sustained loving and lasting relationships as heterosexuals, including loving and parenting children. This is supported by hard data, not just opinion.
6. Discriminatory marriage laws deprive gay and lesbian couples of over 1000 federal rights and benefits
7. Deprivation of these benefits has demonstrable negative psychological and social impact on same sex couples, their children and families.
8. Change and adaptation make for a stronger and psychologically richer society
9. Same sex couples can teach heterosexual couples how couples in relationships gender based power dynamics often solve problems and make decisions with more respect and mutuality.
10. Ending discrimination enhances the human spirit and makes all our lives better. 


Gay Marriage

Lesbian Marriage

My Personal Opinion
I may not be some homosexual but I support them. Why aren't they allowed to live their lives themselves? I mean they might even not be interfering in your business? And if they are then please accept them. It is their life, they want to live it the way they want. You are thinking about kids? Well what if they don't want kids? What if they adopt?
I mean please to all the people out there opposing gay marriages, Live and Let Live Peacefully.
And let it end well.