Friday 18 July 2014

Are We Getting Too Dependent On Our Gadgets?

When my exams had ended, and I reached back home, I was glad. I got my phone back after weeks, and truthfully saying, I had missed it.
But then, the balance in my mobile’s prepaid card got exhausted and I couldn’t find another internet connection. As my academic session was over, I didn’t even want to study. I tried, but I couldn’t, and then, I didn’t have the slightest idea on what to do. You see, I was so engrossed in my gadget that I couldn’t even think about what other hubbub I could do.
It is not only about me, but about the generation which I belong to. Once I was sitting with a group of friends and we all checked our phones 4 times out of 5. It makes me wonder, are we or this generation is getting too dependent on our gadgets? Clicking pictures, posting statuses and getting ‘Likes’- has that become our life?
With my personal experiences being on our gadgets, or on social networking sites all the time, we tend to create a virtual relationship between us and our friends rather than a real one. We can’t gather up that much courage to go and say ‘hello!’ to the person with whom we just ‘chatted’. At the end, is that what we want? What will happen if all the phones disappear and we are not left with any gadget- like these? Will this generation be able to survive?
Some months ago, there was a picture posted on facebook stating that, ‘If I lose my mum in the supermarket, it is still alright. But, if I lose my cell, then I am dead’! Basically, it does not matter to you that your mom gets lost, but it does when your phone gets lost? And, I admit that in a way it is true.
People keep chatting all day and I guarantee this that if they ever sit in front of their family, they won’t have a lot of things to say.
Is being on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp so important than spending some time with your family, real friends? Meeting them and hanging out with them and having an amusing conversation?
Albert Einstein once quoted “I fear the day technology will surpass the human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”
So for 2 minutes take your eyes away from that technological thing, and think, ‘Will you let the technology control you, or YOU will control the technology.’


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